Year 7/8 Hail — Nov 16, 2016

What is life... As I sit and write this ( errr ummm) poem I am thinking of some questions why are we here? What’s the point?, did God choose us for a reason? Why did they kill Harambe!?

Why are killer clowns terrorizing people, is this for Halloween or something? Oh and how do people land these insane bottle flips on like Mcdonald's golden arch stands? So many questions so little answers.

But unfortunately we live in a world where we get no answers to life, so we have to make the answers ourselves. It’s like you need to eat something, to know what it tastes like, or you need to catch them all, to be, the very best.

It's like a video game if you bash into a wall you need to go back to go forward, sometimes that isn't the case, so need you to go forward to go back into the wall. It’s like driving a car but different, just get a Hybrid.

Written by Joseph Trick