Hero photograph
Photo by Oaklands Redevelopment

Māori names for our school and buildings.

Oaklands Redevelopment —

We have been gifted a new Māori name for our school, Te Kura Ōwaka, and names for each of the blocks in our school. We are grateful to Te Taumutu Rūnanga for these gifts.

Here's what our finished school campus will look like (when redevelopment finishes in August). Below is an explanation of the purpose of each block and meaning behind its Māori name.

Image by: Oaklands Redevelopment

Kūtere: Admin block (Meaning: Rushing into one place)

Hīrere: Hall (Gushing)

Taiheke: Yr 7/8 (Flowing out/ebb tide)

Huatai: Library (Falling Abundantly)

Huatau: Yr 4 (Flowing freely)

Rurutu: Yr 5/6 (Pouring out)

Ripo: Old block (The curl of water)

Kōmingo: Yr 2/3 (Swirl)

Pātere: Yr 0/1 (Flowing readily)