Hero photograph
Photo by Karen Haines

Bullying-Free NZ Week

Karen Haines —

Bullying-Free New Zealand Week starts Monday 17 May 2021 and ends with the Mental Health Foundation’s Pink Shirt Day on Friday 21 May.

This year the theme for the week is:

He Kōtuinga mahi iti, he hua pai-ā-rau - Small ripples create big waves.

This highlights that any action we take can have an impact, and the small actions we take to prevent bullying will together create a wave of change.  Over the course of the week, students will participate in activities that help open up discussions with students and prompt their  thinking and reflection around bullying and the ways people can work together to address it. The activities are designed to empower them to take the lead and be part of the solution when it comes to bullying.  

The week ends with a fundraising Pink Shirt Day on Friday 21st May.  All proceeds go towards supporting the work of the Mental Health Foundation.