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by Karen Mackie

Alert Level 1 - School Update

Karen Mackie - June 9, 2020

As of midnight Monday night, the country moved to Covid Level 1. We at Oaklands School are delighted with this news as New Zealand moves into day 19 with no new Covid-19 cases and no active cases.

For us, there will be no major changes to what we are doing and our school continues to be safe to attend, including any staff and children who are considered more vulnerable to Covid-19. We have a good cleaning routine in place, continue to encourage good hygiene practices and encourage those who are sick to remain at home. 

Although Level 1 has significantly reduced restrictions, there are some key public health messages or 'Golden Rules' that still apply.

  • If you child is sick, they must stay at home (you are advised to ring your doctor and get your child tested if they have cold or flu-like symptoms).
  • Continue to wash and dry hands regularly, sneeze and cough into your elbow.
  • Hand sanitiser will remain outside and inside classroom spaces.
  • Regular sanitising of shared surfaces will continue.
  • Support contact tracing efforts by displaying QR Code posters.

We are supporting contact tracing by having QR code posters at our entrances – so if you haven’t already downloaded the NZ COVID Tracer app the Ministry of Health’s NZ-COVID Tracer app page has information to help you do that. The ability to quickly trace close contacts of a confirmed case is a key defence against further transmission of COVID-19. 

The most significant change for us now, is that we can look forward to inter-school and community sport, cultural events and performances and to welcoming you all, our school community back onto our site.  

Once again, thank you for all your support as we have worked through all the Covid alert levels.  If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.