Liz Brash — Nov 10, 2019

Check out whats been happening in the Year 3 Hub this week.

Writing - Miss Brash and Miss O'Loughlin's writing classes have been writing Narratives about a Creature in my Bedroom. The children are becoming very creative and we have had some very interesting characters. 

Reading - The children have enjoyed our class book, “There’s a Yeti in the Playground”. They are continuing to explore the Chapter Chat activities and are really enjoying the story. The children are continuing to read books in their own groups and continue to develop their strategies to work out unknown words. We have also been doing running records. 

Maths - Students in 3SF have been working on some more multiplication and division knowledge. Miss Brash's class have had some fun in Maths this week measuring Jelly snakes. We had Headless, Stretchy, Tailless and Average Joe.  After measuring our snakes we got to eat them yum! We also measured a variety of weighted cups and talked about Mass.  We had 3 cups and we had to estimate which would be heavier out of Sand, Water and Blocks. We checked our answers by picking up the cups. The children loved every minute of being active in their learning. 

The Arts - This week, students have continued to enjoy their next rotation in the arts. These include music (drumming), art, dance, and drama.

PE - Physical education this term will focus on developing students’ abilities in running, jumping, and throwing. Later in the term we will have our Kakano Athletics day to showcase the skills we have learnt.

Te Reo Maori - We have continued to improve our pronunciation this term; which students are developing and improving on as we learn new words. This term’s focus is on Kai/food and Hauora. We are also learning and refining our song for the gala performance. 

Welcome Back Mrs King and Goodbye to her wonderful student teacher Miss Tinnian the children will miss you we wish you all the best for your teaching journey.