Welcome to Year 1 - 1CG/1SK
Here is some information to support you on the first day of school.
Our Hub
The Year 1 Hub is situated across Rooms 20 and 21. Room 21 is the Action Station Room and Room 20 is the Teaching Room.
We have two Whānau Rooms to start the day, look for the name of your child/ren on the coloured signs located on each door. This is where your child/ren should come on the first day of school.
Each morning you will find Mrs Gill and Mrs King in the Whānau Rooms, ready to welcome you and your child.
Please bring all of your child’s stationery and place them in your child's whānau room.
Please label each book with your child’s full name only as we have made some changes to what the books will be used for.
If you have been unable to purchase any of the items requested please let a teacher know. We will be checking through the stationery with the children on Monday and will let you know if we notice that anything is missing or incorrect.
School Bag
Each child will be assigned a hook where they can put their bag and hat.
Lunch boxes are to be kept in school bags.
Drink bottles to be put on shelves in your child's whānau room.
Fruit break items should be put into the labelled tote trays before the start of the day.
Morning Bell
The morning bell will ring at 8.55am and the morning roll will be taken at 9am. Please ensure your child is at school at least 10 minutes before the bell rings so that they have time to organise themselves for the day.
Once your child/ren has/ve put their items in the designated spaces, they make a choice of where they would like to be before the morning bell; playing outside on the field or playground, or inside on an action station.
Wednesday and Friday, starting Week Two.
Instructional Reading
Week 3
Reading books will start coming home to share.
Whānau Evening - Thursday 1 February
- Whānau Picnic on the field - 5-6pm
- Our learning hub will be open for viewing plus a staff presentation - 6-7pm
- Meeting in the hall (Presentation about the school’s goals) 7pm
(NB. We will be repeating the same presentation a couple of times so that parents with multiple children at the school have access to information across multiple hubs)
Our presentation will include information about:
Collaboration in our hub
Learning Spaces
Teaching Responsibilities
Planning & Assessment (including tracking each child’s progress)
KiVa Programme/CARE Values
Parent Communication
Home Learning
There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the classroom programmes.
We will not be able to discuss your specific learning or social concerns for your child on this evening. In Week 3, you will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s whānau teacher to discuss your aspirations for 2018. If you would like to meet with your child’s whanau teacher prior to this, please email them to make an appointment.
Parent Communication Noticeboard
There will be a noticeboard in the entryway of each room that will provide you with important information and paper copies of any emails/notices sent home.