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by Beth Loper

Week 9, Term 4

Beth Loper - December 4, 2023

Nearing the end of the school year and the end of Year 2!

What a wonderful Week 9 it has been!

We celebrated the gala on Friday 1st December. We sang our song Pohutakawa Tree as a cohort. Then we got to explore and enjoy what the gala has to offer! There were lots of rides such as the adrenaline run, bouncy castles, and orb balls. There were opportunities to win prizes like the chocolate wheel, and raffles. There were games such as the sponge throw, and the sandpit dig. You could even get your face painted! Thank you to all the whānau who came and volunteered their time, things like this can't happen without your involvement! 


This week we have been looking at probability. We have been learning terms like possible, likely, unlikely, impossible, and certain. We have been thinking about the chance and likelihood that something is to occur. We have even been relating this back to our fraction knowledge. We have been playing fun games using cards, dice, and coins to theorise the likelihood of winning. 


We have been working in our kaitkai classes for literacy. We have been looking at different stories to assess the setting, themes, characters, and sequencing. It is important to look at these things in a story to better understand the authors message. 


Swimming will continue til the end of term. Thank you to all those whānau supporting their children in organising their swimming togs and extra's. It is really important that your child goes swimming - and part of their curriculum that gets assessed. Please make sure that your child is bringing their togs every Tuesday and Thursday. They may also swim at morning teas everyday if they wish. 

Integrated learning:

Happy December! Our learning focus til the end of term is Christmas and cultural celebrations. If you have any special end of year traditions make sure to tell your children so that they can share it with their class! We will be doing Christmas arts, crafts, and celebrations for the next two weeks. 

Miro fun day!

On Thursday the winning house for the term - Miro - got to celebrate a fun day! They got to compete in different games and activities like rob the nest. Then they got to watch a movie in the hall. 

General -

Can you please send brown paper bags with your children to school in preparation for bringing home stationary and books. 

Can you also please return any books that you find at your home - library and reading books. 

As we fast approach the end of the year the Year 2 team just wanted to offer our thanks and gratitude to all of the tamariki and whānau. This year has been very special and it is all due to the wonderful connections we have made with all of you. We wish you all the best for the new year and can't wait to see you all next year!

Ngā mihi nui - The Year 2 team

(Rebecca Falconer, Jane Mclaughlan, Jess Gledhill, Beth Loper).