Hero photograph
Photo by Emma Frampton

Multicultural Day

Emma Frampton —

On Tuesday 21st February, we had a whole school Multicultural Day

We all got to dress up in clothes/costume that represents our culture.

We then got to learn about animals that live in Russia by watching a slideshow presented to us by Sabina.  She then showed us a Russian cartoon called "Marsha and the Bear".

Next we got to learn about the Netherlands, France and Germany from three of our parents (Jeanine, Christelle and Tanja).  We learnt a lot about castles in Germany, the battles in France and even that most of the Netherlands is under water!

After morning tea, we learnt about henna and even got a little bit painted on our hands.  We also got to peek out the window and watch the Bollywood dancing on the courts.

In the afternoon we got to watch the Multicultural assembly.  This assembly had a range of dancing, music, performances and even a parade at the end where Mavis, Briti and Levi represented our Hub by walking across the stage and showing off their costumes/clothing.

We had so much fun! Thanks to all the parents that came to share their culture with us.