Hero photograph
Photo by Lance Muller

7/8 LM 2019

Lance Muller —

Read below to see what 7/8 LM thought of their 2019 experience. We have a had a good time!

Name: Mr Muller

Highlights/ Top Moments: Some of my highlights this year have been seeing our students mature as both people and learners and watching them experience amazing personal growth. The variety of activities that we do in the Year 7/8 Hub keeps me constantly entertained and I have enjoyed seeing everyone getting involved and making a difference at Oaklands School and pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. 

Challenges/ Tough Times:  Sometimes the year 7/8 Hub can be a very busy place. At times this can be challenging. 

I am grateful for : Two amazing colleagues that are great fun to teach with. I am also grateful for a getting to spend time with a great bunch of students. 

Name: Carter Baxter

Highlights/ Top Moments: One of my best moments was the Koru Games because we made it into the final for Touch Rugby. Wainui camp was another best moment for me because it was the best camp I have been on, the games we played were awesome.

Challenges/ Tough Times: When we lost to St.Thomas’ in Koru Games in the final. It was a really hard game. My hardest challenge was run bike run for Canterburys because there were a lot of people who I was running and biking with, but it was the best time that I had because I never gave up

I am grateful for : My teachers for teaching me in the time have been in the year ⅞ hub.

Name: Joey Williams

Highlights/ Top Moments: One of my best moments was in Koru Games because I had loads of fun and scored 4 tries and I had a better experience than last year. Another time that I had fun was when the year 8 students went to Wellington because I enjoyed hanging out with my friends , teachers, and classmates.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Math ! It has always been my worst subject but this year I have done way better than last year because I completed more IXL activities and got more answers right.

I am grateful for: My teachers teaching me all the way through my year 7/8 years at Oaklands.

Name: Matthew Randall

Highlights/ Top Moments: One of my best moments would be Koru games because I played a new position, I set up a goal, Scored a goal and scored in both penalty shootouts.

Challenges/ Tough Times: One thing that I found challenging this year was PALS because sometimes you struggled to get lots of people joining in.

I am grateful for: This year I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had in the classroom and out of the classroom. I am also grateful for my teachers who made me enjoy my learning and who I have so much fun with this year.

Name: Jack Wells

Highlights/ Top Moments: One of my highlights this year is Koru Games because we won 4 games and came 18th out of 32 teams. Another one of my highlights this year is Korfball because it was a new sport I have never heard of and it turned out to be fun because I am good at it.

Challenges/ Tough Times: A challenge for me this year was Peer Meditation because when students come up to me and explain the problem the other students argue with each other.

I am grateful for: This year I am grateful for my three teachers for doing all of the planning to get us to Wellington.

Name: Karlie Wright

Highlights/ Top Moments: The year 8 Wellington camp, in which was full with a variety of fun activities. Another highlight was the Uniquely New Zealand learning we did based around places the year 8’s would visit in Wellington before we went. It was interesting learning about what soldiers in war had to endure, what documents have shaped New Zealand and learning which roles are significant in Parliament. Koru Games was also a highlight from this year. My team and I worked through challenges and placed 7th out of 30 teams. We were extremely proud.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Maths this year was a big challenge. I found myself frustrated when questions became too complex. With the strategies teacher help give me though, they became easier. The extracurricular activity I was involved in- Mr Brown’s runners club- also made me find myself challenged. There were multiple points during runs where I felt like giving up, but I managed to find the hidden strength within me and push myself to the end. This effort lead to a drastic difference in my fitness.

I am grateful for: The three teacher’s who let me access their amazing teaching to help me grow as a learner and for continuously making the year 7/8 hub a great place to be.

Name: Paige Clark

Highlights/ Top Moments:

A highlight I enjoyed was the year 8 camp because I had so much fun and I enjoyed learning about war and parliament. Another Highlight was Koru Games because my team worked together well and we got a place in the top three. I enjoyed doing Kapa Haka this year because I liked doing the performances.

Challenges/ Tough Times:

Some of the challenges I faced were in novel study because I had to get everything done on time and 100/100 but for my last novel I got it done on time.

I am grateful for:

I am really grateful for the three teachers (Mr Brown, Mr Muller, Miss Baker) for an amazing last year at Oaklands because I had so much fun this year and I have learnt so much and that will prepare me for high school next year.

Name: Oliver Blake.

Highlights/ Top Moments: My highlight for this year was the year 8 Wellington camp because of the wide range of activities. I loved going to te Papa, The war section was my favorite because I got to learn a lot about the war heroes and what they did in the war.

Challenges/ Tough Times: a big challenge for me was Mr Brown's runners group because all of my friends were playing games on the other court. Another challenge for me is Digi Tech out at Lincoln Primary every Tuesday because I had to code lots of things and it hurt my brain just looking at it.

I am grateful for: Mr Brown, Mrs Baker & Mr Muller for helping me a lot in the past 2 years. I would like to thank them for everything they have done for me to get me to the point where I am now.

Name: Hannah Wallace

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moments from this year are Koru Games because I got to play football for three days. I also really like doing the PCT competition and Uniquely New Zealand. I really enjoyed learning about some different New Zealanders who went to war and different people in Parliament.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Something I found challenging was my math because I learnt lots of different things. I found the algebra hard. I also found going to Canterburys for Run Bike Run hard because the distance was much further than it was at school.

I am grateful for: I am grateful for my teachers for helping when I got stuck. I am also grateful for all the different opportunities I have had.

Name: Liam Scott

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moments from this year was Koru Games because it was fun to learn and play touch, even though we only won one game we all still had fun playing.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Something that I have found challenging this year is my maths because I have been struggling with completing the algebra activities that I had been given.

I am grateful for: I am grateful for the teachers teaching me and helping me with my learning throughout the year.

Name: Chloe Windt-Grant

Highlights/ Top Moments: going on the year 7 camp and going to Tech and doing different things that I havnt done before.

Challenges/ Tough Times: The thing I found hard was doing writing and maths.

I am grateful for: I am grateful for everything that my teachers have done for me and making new friends.

Name: Ethan Kirk

Highlights/ Top Moments: Mr Muller singing ho ho ho when me did math - nice wig Mr Muller. I also love swimming at Pioneer because the teacher’s said come in your PJ’s.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Going to South West Zones swimming. On Peer Mediation I found people do not be fair and argue when I'm talking.

I am grateful for: The year 7/8 teachersgiving me a great year and making me laugh at the joke they make and make me happy when I'm sad.

Name: Harley Green.

Highlights/ Top Moments: One of my top moments was going to Koru Games and we got 2nd in the final we got beat by st thomas but we all had a good time. Another one of my highlights was making it to Canturburys for athletics. I came 2nd at SW Zones for sprints.

Challenges/ Tough Times: was trying to get to Canterbury and wining the SW zones sprints. I did achieve this but it was really hard because there were a lot of people that were fast.

I am grateful for: all three of my teachers for being supportive and also being some of the best teachers in my whole school life.

Name: Annabel Keylard

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moment was when I made it to Canterburys for cross country and a highlight this year was for Koru Games because it was really fun and we came 3rd place.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Something that challenged me was volleyball because it was my first year and we were playing for 3rd or 4th place.

I am grateful for: I am grateful for Mr Brown, Mr Muller and Mrs Baker because they always helped me when I needed help.

Name: Chelsea Simpson

Highlights/ Top Moments: Was when I came 2nd in discus for zones and year 7 camp because it was really fun and I got to be in a cabin with my friends and Koru Games was really fun my team came 7th out of 30 teams.

Challenges/ Tough Times: When we had swimming because I couldn't go and I really wanted to go. Maths was also hard .

I am grateful for: Our teachers for helping us throughout the year with things we needed help with .

Name: Amber Hill

Highlights/ Top Moments: A highlight for me was year 7 camp because I really enjoyed rope climing and the food was good. Another highlight was dace because I like dance very much.

Going to Te Hapua and doing photography and doing visual art with Mr Brown.

Challenges/ Tough Times: A challenge this year was math because math is not one of my strong suits. Another challenge for me was at the start of the year I had trouble finishing learning in time, but now I have it under control.

I am grateful for: I am gratful for all my teachers and pepole that have helped me so much this year with everything. I am also grateful for my freinds for being there for me.

Name: Denver Stirling

Highlights/ Top Moments: this year has been really exciting for me. Some of my favourite moments have been…. Swim day was one of my favourite moments because Alexia, Kenzie, Amber and I all dressed up and did lots of cheering. Something else that has been lots of fun was year 8 camp I was happy to be in a bunk room with all my friends, I was really nevous at capital E because of presenting but I thought I did okay.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Koru Games have been really tough this year not having a coach and then having to step up to that role with Alexia

I am grateful for: I am grateful for all three of my teachers and all my friends because they have shaped me into the person I am today

Name: Issy Mckay-Hatcher

Highlights/ Top Moments:Doing athletics because I came a good places in South West Zones like in 100m sprints I came first and in long jump I came first.

Challenges/ Tough Times:That I was behind in my learning and didn't put that much detail in my answer but at the end of the year I started getting on top of my learning.

I am grateful for:Ella for being good friends helping me in my learning and making sure I was alright.

Name: Harrison Stewart

Highlights/ Top Moments: Koru Games because it was really exciting even though we lost most of our games. .

Challenges/ Tough Times: SW Zones hockey tournament was probably the hardest thing this year but cross country was really hard as well.

I am grateful for: All the three teachers and all the opportunities.

Name: Ahmad Qalandari

Highlights/ Top Moments: This year we came 18th place in the Koru Games. And last year we came 24th place in Koru Games we did much better than last year.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Some of my learning.

I am grateful for: doing better in my learning.

Name: Keira Cust

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moments are going to Wellington because it was super fun, I have made so many unforgettable memories. I also have so many memories of talking and messing around with the teachers. My highlights have also been Koru Games because I became closer with my classmates. We also did extremely well and were very impressed with our placing, which was 7th out of 30 teams.

Challenges/Tough Times: I have had a few minor problems with a best friend and that’s about it.

I am grateful for: all of my teachers who have taught me so many new things and have helped me get through the last two years. I have so many memories that will stay with me for a lifetime, I will have so many stories to tell. I never want to leave.

Name: Libby Thomson

Highlights/ Top Moments: My highlights from this year are our trip to Wellington which I found really exciting and unforgettable because of all the great new memories I made. Koru Games was another great part of 2019 because after all of our hard work my team came 7th out of 30 teams, we were extremely proud of ourselves for this. My favourite area of learning this year has been uniquely New Zealand because I got to learn more about the thing I saw in Wellington.

Challenges/ Tough Times: I found maths really challenging at the end of this year because it confused me alot and I have had a few minor arguments with one of my best friends but we got through them in the end.

I am grateful for: I am really grateful for my teachers and friends because they have helped me get through the last 2 years and gave me lots of great new memories.

Name: Mackenzie Officer

Highlights/top moments: One of my highlights this year was going on our year 8 trip to Wellington that was great fun. I made a lot of memories that I will never forget. Another top moment would be going to Koru Games and having a great time with friends.

Challenges/tough times: Koru Games was a tough time because we didn't have a coach and at times it was hard.

I am grateful for:my three teachers and my friends for making me the person I am today.

Name:Luca Damiani

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moments this year have been camp because we got to things that I hadn't done before with different teachers. Kour Games because I got closer to one of my teachers.

Challenges/ Tough Times: Run bike run because it was the first time I did it by myself.

I am grateful for: My teachers because they made the year more enjoyable and helped everyone when times were tough.They gave us amazing memories that will not be forgotten.

Name: Aidan King

Highlights/ Top Moments: My top moments this year have been year 7 camp and getting closer to my three teachers and connecting with different people - it was definitely my highlight of the year

Challenges/ Tough Times: Canterburies was tough for me because I found it pretty hard running a long way, but now I can run better.

I am grateful for: I am so grateful for my 3 amazing teachers because they are so nice to us and they don't get angry with us and they are very funny and they are good to talk to.