Speed limit passing a stationary school bus will be more rigorously enforced
If you are driving around when school buses are operating you may not be aware that there is a 20kph speed limit if you are passing a school bus dropping off or picking up children, regardless of which direction you are travelling in.
There is very low general driver awareness of this rule, and it’s not something that motorists look out for. On rural roads, though, where the speed limit is 100kph, you could end up being caught driving 80kph over the limit and that will mean your vehicle will be impounded and you will be looking at a court summons.
This new enforcement is being trialed and it follows on from an advertising campaign that has included billboards, poster, print ads and other media coverage. Here is the question from the Road Code regarding the speed limit, here are our Road Code quizzes so you can see how much you know, and below is the news release from NZT