Caroline Martin — Mar 8, 2022

It is hard to believe we are half way through the school term and already into Autumn.

We have seen great improvements in students confidence and ability in the water after five weeks of water safety lessons. It has been great to see so many students taking part in these lessons and remembering to bring their togs each week. Our swimming programmes will be winding down over the next couple of weeks so please encourage your child/ren to participate in all remaining lessons. As many of you head to beaches, rivers and lakes over the Easter break it will be reassuring to know that your child has learned how to be safe around water.

Hybrid learning programmes are now well underway and it has been great to see so many students engaging with learning through Seesaw while they are isolating at home. Remember that if your child is sick there is no expectation that they do any learning as their main priority is resting and getting well. If your child is not able to attend school due to illness can you please contact the school office. 

Students in Year 3 - 8 are looking forward to taking part in Top Town next Monday after it was postponed this week because of predicted rain. Students are able to wear house colours for this event.

Covid is presenting many challenges but also some unique opportunities for both students and teachers. We have many systems in place to keep everyone safe and we encourage students to attend school if they are well and there is no-one in your household who has tested positive for Covid. If you are needing to isolate and have any questions about accessing learning from home please contact your child's pastoral care teacher.