Hero photograph
Our new entrants are busy re-designing Oaklands School to meet their needs now and in the future.
Photo by Caroline Martin

Parent meetings during school disco 26 August 2016

Caroline Martin —

The Education brief team would like to invite you to attend one of the parent meetings which will be held in the Year 7 & 8 collaborative space during the junior and senior discos.

Sessions will be held from 5:45 - 6:45 and 7:30 - 8:30 and supper will be provided.  You will have the opportunity to hear from Jacqui Duncan ex-principal of Cashmere Primary School who has recently been through the process of developing an Education brief and managing the school through the re-build process.  Oaklands staff and BOT members will also share with you their reflections after visiting Stonefields School in Auckland and a range of innovative learning spaces in Canterbury.  We will also have videos, static displays and opportunities for you to share your ideas and questions with us.  This is a great opportunity for you to engage in this exciting process while your children are enjoying the disco.