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by Lance Muller

7/8 Hub Update term 2

Lance Muller - May 3, 2018

Welcome back to Term 2. A brief overview of the term follows below.

We have hit the ground running this term and the students seem to have bought into the need to get down to serious learning as quickly as possible. 

Maths - In maths we have shifted our focus from Number Knowledge to Number Strategy. This sees us applying our knowledge to maths problems and using a variety of strategies to solve these. Your child will have one teacher responsible for their maths for the next 4 weeks.

Reading and Writing - Initially this will be linked to our Integrated Learning Topic of sustainability. We will be doing a variety of reading activities based on our sustainability topic. In writing we will be crafting arguments based around a provocative statement related to recycling. 

Current Events - This term we have introduced a weekly current events activity. This involves students reading a news article, formulating some questions based on what they have read, researching the answers to these questions and then finally giving their personal opinion on what they have found. 

Te Reo Maori - we continue our weekly sessions with Matua Rihari. We have shifted our focus to learning all about The Weather. 

Buddy Programme - This continues each Friday in the middle block and will see us working with our Junior Buddies in a variety of different ways. 

Te Hapua Visits - Starting in week 2, Miss Berquist's class will be visiting Te Hapua each Friday. They will be participating in a robotics and coding programme run by the Te Hapua staff.  Updates about this will appear on our blog regularly. Mr Muller's and Mr Brown's whanau rooms will participate in this programme later in the year. 

Physical Education/ Sport - We have started our build up to the Koru Games ( 18 - 20 September 2018. ) Sports trials will be held next Tuesday. We will be forming Football, Netball, Volleyball and Touch teams. These teams will compete in the Koru Games in term 3. 

Technology -  This continues as normal each week on Tuesday. Please ensure students are at school no later than 8:30am each Tuesday. 

Home Learning - This continues as normal. It is expected that students will complete at least one hour of IXL maths each week as well as continuing to read towards achieving their 40 book challenge. We ask that students read a book of their choice  for at least 15-20 minutes each night. If students are tracking successfully to achieving their 40 book challenge they should have read 10 books by this stage of the year. 

Bully free weeks NZ -  We will be participating in this National Venture in weeks 2 and 3. We will be doing a number of fun and novel activities that we hope the students will enjoy. This all culminates in a pink shirt bully free awareness day on Friday 18 May. Get your pink shirts ready team. 

As always we are always happy to discuss your child's learning and general goings on at school. Feel free to contact us by email or in person about this.