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by Alicia Hebbend

Hub 1 Matariki art work

Alicia Hebbend - July 28, 2017

Matariki is Māori New Year and to celebrate this our hub 1 made a collaborative art piece. 

What is Matariki?

"Seven sister stars come out in the sky." - Jeana

"It is a time when we spend time with each other". - Amelia

"The stars helped them know where to go (talking about historical navigation by the stars)." - Brocke

How did we collaborate on our art?

"We took turns to paint our stars". - Elizabeth

"We took turns sharing the colours." - Georgia

"All of us made a hand to make the art." - Xavier

Collaboration is one of Oaklands Schools' learner qualities.

For more information about Matariki please click the links below: