Hero photograph
Photo by Sandra Seil

Where is your Happy Place?

Sandra Seil —

This week we have been learning about our Tūrangawaewae - our place in the world where we feel connected.

We discovered in Pātere that people have different places that they feel most at home, and for different reasons.  We used a range of materials such as paint, glitter, clay, wooden sticks, paper plates, and colours to create our 'Happy Place' to share with others.

We have also continued our Arts rotation, learning about Dance, Drama and Music.  It has been very exciting having our Specialist Teachers come in to show us fun ways to learn in The Arts.

With the cold weather becoming more frequent now, please make sure your child has a named jersey at school each day.  If you are in need of a Polar Fleece the PTA has let us know they have several available in smaller sizes that can be purchased.  The message from the PTA is as follows:

The PTA have an abundance of size 4,5,6 used fleeces for sale, should your child need some extra warmth as the weather is changing. If you would like to purchase one ($3 each), please contact k.gwhite@yahoo.co.nz