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by Frances Dench

Hub 4 - Huatau

Matthew Reed - May 11, 2020

Learning in Year 4

Check out all the awesome learning that Hub 4 has been up to over the last few weeks.

The Moon

The students in Year 4 read an article about the phases of the Moon and were set the goal of representing the phases of the Moon with everyday things laying around the house. Check out Georgia's awesome Cupcake Earth and cookies with icing phases of the Moon.

Image by: Frances Dench

Autumn Poetry

Mrs McLeod produced an outstanding Video lesson on Autumn poems. Ka pai Mrs McLeod. Check out all the fabulous poems that the students in the Year 4 Hub have created.


I feel fresh breeze touching me 
I smell flowers and leaves
As I walk I hear birds singing and
Bees buzzing around me. 
It feels so refreshing
 I find Autumn leaves laying
On the ground. 

By Elizabeth

Bully Free Week

Last week we spent time talking and learning about how to create a Bully Free Environment in our Hub, the School and the wider community. Check out the awesome posters the students have made.

Image by: Frances Dench