Emma Frampton — Aug 22, 2018

Week 6: 27th August - 31st August

Monday 27th August

Teachers - Emma Frampton and Lynette Stinson

Assembly - Whole School Assembly at 2pm in the hall.

Tuesday 28th August

Teachers - Emma Frampton and Lynette Stinson

Library - Most children will be able to exchange their library book today. Some children will be in a guided reading session during library time and will have an opportunity to exchange their book on Thursday instead.

Wednesday 29th August

Teachers - Jacinda Thomsen and Elshke Chadinha

ASB Get Wise Programme - Today we will have a session with the team from ASB Get Wise to learn about Financial Literacy.

Thursday 30th August

Teachers - Emma Frampton and Elshke Chadinha

Bake Sale - On today, see the newsletter for more details.

Library - Most children will be able to exchange their library book today. Some children will be in a guided reading session with Ms Chadinha during library time and will have an opportunity to exchange their book on Tuesday instead.

Friday 31st August

Teachers - Emma Frampton and Elshke Chadinha

Friday Whānau Hui - Every Friday, we welcome the parents into the classroom to join in with our Friday Whānau Hui. This will happen in your child's whānau room with their whānau teacher from 8:55-9:15am. We look forward to seeing you in the classroom on Friday mornings.

Disco - On tonight in the hall, see the newsletter for more details.