Liz Brash — Nov 5, 2020

Week 4 in Review

Check out what Hub 2 has been up to this week.

LiteracyThis week children wrote a letter to the Board of Trustees telling them what their favourite parts of new Hub 2 are and also sharing some ideas of what we would like in the outdoor space behind our Hub. Some popular requests were; flowers and gardening equipment, a fish pond and picnic tables.As part of reading lessons this week some children have been practising quickly reading CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. This is something you could practise with your child at home by writing a CVC word and asking them to say the sounds individually then blend the sounds together e.g. “m” – “u” – “d” “mud”

MathsMiss Doig and Mrs Lutterman's maths groups continued to focus on number knowledge and strategy. One of things children concentrated on was paying close attention to the symbols and layout of addition and subtraction equations and using an appropriate strategy to solve the equation. For example 12+ ? =19 could be solve by counting on from 12 to 19 or by changing the equation to 19-12= ? and counting backwards from 19 to 12.One of the unplugged coding activities that Mrs Griffiths did with children this week involved children working in pairs. One child created a shape using legos and then had to give verbal instructions to their buddy telling them how to make the same shape.

Highlights of the Week!When the sun has been shining we have gone out to the field to practice Run, Jump, Throw activities. On Friday we will put all our practise into action during our Run, Jump, Throw event.

Today we went to the Year 7/8 Hub and they helped us complete the KIVA survey on the iPads. It was fun to work in another hub and get to know some of the Year 7/8 children.