Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca Pilbrough

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Rebecca Pilbrough —

How do we do this?

The five focus areas in the Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) senior primary programme are:
1. Keeping one step ahead
Students learn to take care of themselves in a range of social settings. They learn what the dangers are, who could get hurt and what they can do to keep themselves safe. 

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

2. I’m responsible for others, too
Students learn to be responsible for the safety of others by means of scenarios involving the care of siblings and a dependent grandparent, and a peer’s need for support when being bullied.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

3. Finding out about abuse
Students need to be aware of what constitutes abuse so that they can recognise if they are being abused and know how to create a safe classroom.

4. Families working together
Sometimes abuse occurs within the family. Children are particularly vulnerable. Students discuss family discipline and stress. They learn that they should feel safe, cared for and protected within their family.

5. Reporting abuse
When abuse is reported, the abuser is stopped and the healing process can begin for the victim. Students learn why it is important to report abuse and to know who, and how, to tell.

During learning time, the kaiako took the students through sessions 1, 2 and 4.
We were introduced to the new School Community Officer, Constable Jessica Young who took us through session 3 on Thursday and will take us through session 5 next Monday 15th March.

At this age, students are becoming more independent. They need to learn to take care of themselves as their range of social contacts and responsibilities widens.
They need to know:
 ● what the dangers are
● who could get hurt
● what they can do to keep themselves safe. 

Here is some of the student's voice about the lessons - 
upsetting, annoyed that some of these situations occur, uncomfortable, nervous, anxious about situations, emotional, questionable, didn't think these situations would happen, sad for these to happen to others, shocked, unsettling, disappointed these situations happen, scared that it might happen to me, strong enough to make the right choice, when it happens I will know what to do.