Hero photograph
Photo by Emma Frampton


Emma Frampton —

We have been busy learning lots of Maths in Hub 1.

We have been using a range of different materials to help us to count, add and solve equations.

The first material we use is always our fingers.  They are right there on the ends of our arms and are so easy to use to show numbers and add numbers up to 10.

Then we start to use materials like jellybeans, teddy bears, coloured sticks, numicon and marbles to count, add and solve equations with.

We have been developing our number knowledge and this helps us to be able to recognise numbers and show that number in a range of ways.  Sometimes we even write the number on the concrete with chalk or make the number with playdough - lots of fun!

Once we have learned lots of number knowledge and strategy, we can take those skills and play with games/activities independently at the action stations.

Some of our favourite games are snakes and ladders and numicon bingo!