Hero photograph
Photo by Emma Frampton

Literacy Week

Emma Frampton —

We had a really fun week last week for Literacy week!

Some of the fun activities we did were:

Stop, Drop and Listen - This was where when the teacher said stop, drop and listen we all had to stop what we are doing and sit on the mat to listen to a story.

Where is Cat in the Hat? - On Monday we read the story "The Cat in the Hat" and then the teachers challenged us to find Cat in the Hat hidden somewhere in the classroom.  Sometimes he was really easy to find, other times he was really hard! We found him 10 times over the week!

Story Bag - Miss Frampton had a bag of tricks and each day someone got to pick an item out of the mystery bag.  We then used that item to write a sentence.  The first item picked out was Keto the Kea and we wrote "Keto the kea has a really good brain".  The next item picked out was a pink ball.  We added to our story by writing, "Keto can balance the pink ball on his beak".  The last item picked out of the bag was a book.  We added to our story by writing, "He balances his book on his wing".

Book Character Dress Up Day - The best day of the week! Check out our other blog post about this day for photos.

Read and Feed - We had special books for read and feed that had special characters that came out to read it with us.  Our favourite was "Kitty Cat is Clever".