Hero photograph
Photo by Steve Ladbrook

Student Leaders

Steve Ladbrook —

The Year 7/8 Student Leaders do heaps around Oaklands.

A big component of the Year 7/8 programme is leadership. This runs throughout the year. It is an expectation that all Year 7/8 have at least 1 leadership position. Much of what they do goes unnoticed but to give a you flavour of what they do , check out these snippets of their recent blog reflections

Today we decided to bring the bean bags out as it was raining or damp outside, it was just very windy!
We just bring the books that we think are most popular with the little kids, that usually consists of Barbie books and spot the dog books.
This time, I actually read to quite a few little kids, I read to around 3-4 which doesn't sound like a lot but sometimes they can be a bit much with what book you read!
I do find it rather hard bringing the bean bags sometimes because when you leave them for even 2 seconds, a little kid just starts jumping all over it.
Also before Librarian both Alicia and I found two little kids who were injured, so we both brought them over to Mr Mcaven.
After reading to the little kids we just brought the bean bags back to the library and we also returned the books.
This time, I found that little kids and bean bags don't always mix well together, just by carrying a bean bags I still have little kids grabbing the bean bags!
Overall It was a very good session of being a librarian.

By Honor Cloake

Yesterday I had Student Council. Everyone turned up on time which was good because we could start and we didn't have waste time getting people to go and tell them to come. I take the minutes for student council so that means I write down everything we talk about during the meeting eg. What fundraisers we are doing.
After we did the roll we talked a bit about what the homework from last time was, we had was to ask our classes what type of layout that they wanted in the school eg. where would the hall go, or the office and where would the playgrounds go? Some of the things that our class said were to have the senior playground somewhere other than the field because if it's a wet day and the field was shut then we can't go on it. Also, they said that the office should be if front of the main entrance so visitors know where to go.

By Kyla Scully