Hero photograph
Photo by Sandra Seil

Matariki and Mapping in Pātere

Sandra Seil —

In Pātere Nui we have continued learning about Matariki, while in Pātere Iti and He Puna there has been a lot of making and reading maps.

Trying out our Hybrid Learning Slideshow for our learning stations in Pātere Nui has proven to be a very popular way of finding out new things and how to do the activities. The children love being able to watch the ‘how to’ videos as many times as they need to be able to complete their tasks.

In Pātere Iti and He Puna everyone has had fun learning how to read maps, and some had a try at making their own.  

We are all enjoying our Friday afternoon options.  The children choose to participate in Kapahaka, Choir, Scratch on the IPads, or Gardening.  This is a great way to try new things and enjoy areas of special interest.

The whole team is looking forward to going back in time next week, seeing how things have changed in Halswell and in particular at Oaklands Te Kura o Ōwaka over the years. We will be learning about things that have changed and things that are still the same at our school and in our local community.