Rebecca Pilbrough — May 22, 2023

22 - 26th May

Taiheke was awash with professionals (from University of Canterbury, RTLB, Miss Borania's tutor teacher and a Maths Professor) this week observing the ākonga and the programme we run. The students were fantastic when sharing their learning and understanding, and there were compliments a plenty.

Transformation - Light and Sound

This week we are learning about sound which was a follow-up on light last week.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough
Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

What is sound?  - click on this link and it will give you a better understanding.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough
Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

South West Zones

Congratulations to those who represented Kura o Ōwaka at Ngā Puna Wai on Rāapa/Wednesday for the Cross Cuntry event. You made us so proud of your efforts and competitive spirit.

Te Hapua - Podcasting

The second group of Year 8 ākonga, have started to explore podcasting, what it is, how it is made and how it is edited.

Congratulations to those who have received their awards!

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough


Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

Next week's timetable

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

Next week it is Sāmoa Language Week. A big thank you Kharmony, Dilisha and Laisa for getting the whole school involved. They will be launching it at Learning Assembly on Rahina/Monday.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

EPRO8 challenges will be happening Thursday and Friday.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

Thursday/Rāpare there will be another Bake Sale to raise funds for those Year 8s attending camp in Wellington. Please bear in mind, these events are incredibly popular. In the past Miss P and Miss Booth have needed to pop to New World to top up the goodies.

Image by: Rebecca Pilbrough

Head Lice
This time of yearthe little creatures love to come and say 'Hello.' Can you please check your child/ren's hair this weekend.