Cyber Safety with Hector the Dolphin
Hub1 has been learning how to be safe on the internet.
Hector's World is an excellent resource that comes with short videos for the children to watch about a group of friends (sea creatures) that are beginning to use the online world and are making a few mistakes along the way.
After watching the video we engage in lots of discussion with the children about how to be safe on the internet.
For our first lesson, we have been learning:
* That some information about ourselves is special because it makes us unique.
* That we should never give out our personal details online without a
parent or teacher’s permission.
After watching the video, we played a game where we had to get into groups of our characteristics that were the same, e.g. children that have blonde hair, children that are boys, children that go to Oaklands School. We all ended up in a group by ourselves when we figured out that we all have a different first and last name and that is what makes us unique.
For our second lesson, we have been learning:
* That not everyone we meet is automatically trustworthy.
*To identify the characteristics of people that are worthy of our trust
and who can help us make positive choices to keep us safe.
After watching the video, we played a game where we had to give a thumbs up if it was someone we could trust and a cross with our arms if it is someone we do not trust.
Thumbs up for Mum, Dad, family members, teachers, police officers.
Arms crossed for strangers, shop attendants, bus drivers, people we see on the street.
Our next few lessons will focus on the following:
* Learning to identify situations in which it is wise to turn to a trusted adult for help.
*Learning that our emotions can be a powerful tool to help us assess unsafe situations.
* Learning to identify some of the physical sensations that alert us to unsafe situations.
If you have any questions about this programme, please talk to your child's whānau teacher.