Hero photograph
Photo by Sophie McInnes

Reading at home

Sophie McInnes —

Tips for reading at home and some online resources.

Tips for daily reading at home:

  • Encourage and praise your child to help them become a good reader;
  • Be a positive role model and let your child see you reading a variety of texts often;
  • Focus on what your child can read rather than what they can't read;
  • Read your child's books so you can talk to them about what they are reading;
  • Ask your child questions about what they are reading to help develop a good understanding of the text;
  • Take your child to the library regularly and let them choose books themselves;
  • Consider letting your child have the light on later at night if they are reading;
  • Spend special time together reading;
  • Make reading FUN!

Mem Fox's Read Aloud Commandments

Click here for the full list, together with suggested resources.

Questions For Developing Reading Comprehension

Choose one or two of the following questions to initiate a conversation with your child around what they are reading.

  • Where did the story take place? (setting)
  • What is the problem (complication) in this story?
  • Who is the main character?
  • How would you describe (__ character __) in two words?
  • What does the main character try to accomplish in the story?
  • What are the main happenings in order? (sequencing)
  • What happened to the main character?
  • What did the main character learn?
  • What might happen to ______ before the story started?
  • What might happen to _____ after the story ends?
  • How was the problem resolved?