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Some interesting reading on how students learn in innovative learning spaces.
Photo by Caroline Martin

An interesting article about how innovate learning environments can support students sense of belonging.

Caroline Martin —

The link at the bottom of this article to a CORE Education blog outlines how schools can create innovative learning environments that are not only flexible but can help to enhance a students sense of belonging.

At Oaklands School our vision and values will be the foundation for any new learning spaces.  Ensuring  a strong sense of Community, designing opportunities for students to engage in Active Thinking, building Respect for each other and the spaces we work in and aiming for Excellence in everything we do and the design of new spaces are essentially what the Education brief is all about.  If you would like to find out more about innovative learning spaces or contribute your ideas to the brief I will be holding information sessions in the library each Thursday afternoon from 2:30.  We will run further consultation meetings in conjunction with student led conferences and each week the newsletter will include links to information based on the questions you have asked during the consultation process.  If you have any specific questions please do not hesitate to email me at caroline.martin@oaklands.school.nz.

Link to the CORE blog - http://blog.core-ed.org/blog/2016/03/will-my-child-get-lost-in-an-innovative-learning-environment.html