Hero photograph
Photo by Roswin Wieland

Week 5

Roswin Wieland —

See what we've been up to! Another busy week with exciting learning experiences happening in Waka Tahi and Waka Toru as we have been exploring fairytales and the water cycle within our integrated topic. Read on to find out more.

What’s coming up next week?

Monday - Learning assembly and CARE certificates

Thursday - Sausage sizzle and juicies

Thursday - Fire wise programme

Friday - Daffodil Day

Learning Stations:

Our tamariki have been retelling our stories of Jack and the beanstalk using blocks and cardboard to design castles; using role play and play dough to make beanstalk vines. We used blocks to measure different sized vines and a mystery box. These stations were specifically designed to keep ākonga hooked and connected to our integrated topic of transformation as it continuously invoked wonder.


In Waka Tahi we have been learning about having an opinion and being confident in sharing these with an explanation to our thinking. Our opinions were focused on whether we would climb the beanstalk and why. We have been looking at what happens to porridge as it heats up as well as how to order sentences. Our writing included reordering sentences that have been cut up and using our current skills to make a picture plan, dictate and write our opinions.

Integrated Topic:

In Waka Tahi our learning has revolved around understanding how the heat from the sun aids our plants to grow. This has sparked our very interesting plan of making Hairy Harry’s using dirt and grass seeds. Please keep your eyes out as our grass heads start growing their own hair soon!

Here is what is coming up next week!

Next week we will be exploring the water cycle/ice and keep watching this space for more amazing photos next week!

Attached is a copy of our weekly timetable as well.