Hero photograph
Photo by Lance Muller

Ellesmere Speech Competition 2020

Lance Muller —

The 2020 Ellesmere Speech Competition was held on Monday 21 September. This year the competition was hosted by West Melton School.

The Speech Competition is a fantastic celebration of public speaking and as always delivered a night of entertainment and fun.

Each school is able to send one year 7 and one year 8 to the competition.

This year Oaklands was represented by Lanica Schnetler (Yr7) and Melissa Randall (Yr8.)

The two girls did Oaklands proud and spoke with passion, flair and confidence.

Read below to see what they thought of the event. 

Year 7

Name: Lanica Schnetler

Speech Topic: What is more important doing what's right or being popular. 

Reflections on my participation in the 2020 Ellesmere Speech Competition: "Wow that was intense" the Ellesmere speech competition was tough, there were some really good topics and I knew that it was going to be a really hard competition. Most of the topics that I was up against were really funny and mine was super serious. Although it was really fun, I was really disappointed in myself for not getting a placing. I was really hoping to represent my school and then get a placing for my school but the competition was really hard and I really appreciate being there. I am still very glad that I got to that point and I hope I get in next year and get another shot at winning that trophy.

Year 8

Name: Missy Randall

Speech topic: Why we shouldn't write letters to Santa.

Reflections on my participation in the 2020 Ellesmere Speech Competition: In the year 8 category there were some really good speeches and I felt like I didn't deserve to be there because everyone had really serious important speeches, whereas mine is quite funny and a fictional speech. As I was doing my speech I was shaking like jelly and I couldn’t wait to sit down. Something I am really proud of was the fact that I only had to use my cue cards a few times. One of my favourite speeches was the one about being a middle child because it was presented loudly and clearly and had some really good points.