Hero photograph
Photo by geoffrey McCallum

Senior Choir - 2016

geoffrey McCallum —

A new year, some new faces, some great singing

What a year it has been for the senior choir. We began the year with new faces both in the choir and in the choir teachers. Miss Harris had taken a leave of absence from the school and Miss Evans had joined Mr McCallum.

Although we had smaller numbers in 2016, the choir remained enthusiastic. We have performed regularly at assemblies each term, with the highlight of Term 2 being an invitation to perform at the opening of the new Summerset Retirement Village in Wigram in the last week of that term. This was a wonderful occasion and the choir was very well received.

Term 4 has been very busy also with the choir performing at the Senior Citizens Concert, the annual school gala and coming up in the last week of the term will be our annual trip to sing carols to local retirement homes. This was very much loved and enjoyed by the choir last year and they are very much looking forward to this trip again.

We have enjoyed broadening our range of songs this year and are looking forward to what 2017 has in store with the Primary School’s Music Festival, a school production and many other exciting performances being planned.

Thanks to Mr McCallum and Miss Evans for their tireless efforts this year and to the parents who have supported us throughout.

Mr McCallum

Miss Evans