Caroline Martin — Nov 22, 2016

The focus of our learning this term is "What changes do I need to make to protect our Earth?" Students have been enjoying finding out about the four seasons, weather patterns , the planets and our solar system.  Our learning celebration will be performances to open the school gala on 2 December, with a "Planet Earth and Beyond" theme.

Performances will take place on a mobile stage on the back field.  Your class teacher will be in touch about the specifics of each year groups performance, any special clothing or props that may be required and details of where students are to meet beforehand.  Performances begin at 4:30 with the Year 7 & 8 team closing the celebration of learning at 5:45.  Students are getting excited about performing in front of a live audience and they have been practicing hard to polish their performance.  We are hoping to have all students attend on the night but if your child will not be at the gala can you please let their classroom teacher know as soon as possible.