Hero photograph
Photo by Karen Mackie

Notification of Paid Union Meeting Thursday 2 March– Reminder

Karen Mackie —

This is to remind you that our teachers will be off site on Thursday 2 March from 12.45pm.

This is to remind you that our teachers will be off site on Thursday 2 March from 12.45pm. They are attending a paid union meeting to discuss and vote on issues relating to the negotiation of their collective agreement. As the majority of staff at our school are union members, they will be attending this meeting at 2pm.

We ask that you please collect your child/ren at 12.45 pm on Thursday 2 March. We will have a small number of staff left who will be able to supervise children who are not able to go home at 12.45pm. However if this is not possible we will have a small number of staff present who will be able to supervise the students in the afternoon.

I understand that this will be a disruption for families and do apologise for the inconvenience. The Thursday morning programme will be the normal scheduled timetable and will not disrupt the childrens’ learning. Please send your child to school in the morning.

We have a scheduled Pātere trip on Thursday and this will continue as planned. Please email admin@oaklands.school.nz

Ngā mihi

Margaret Trotter
