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by Caroline Martin

Reporting to parents Term 2

Caroline Martin - July 3, 2019

Throughout their time at primary school students move through the NZ Curriculum Levels 1 - 4. Within each of these levels students develop a range of skills and strategies across eight learning areas.

In Term 2 students and teachers have reported progress and achievement in the following ways:

1.  Student led conferences - Students shared their progress in Reading, Writing and Maths against the goals set in Term 1. They shared evidence of their learning  and explained some of the strategies they are using to achieve their learning goals.

2.  Individual learner portfolios - On Friday teachers will share the link to your child's learner portfolio. This will have been updated with examples of learning across the curriculum.  The graphs for Reading, Writing and Maths will be updated and teacher's comments will reflect the progress that has been made and the next steps that will be the focus for learning in Terms 3 and 4.

When reading the graphs, it is important to understand that each NZ Curriculum level covers approximately 2 years of learning, e.g A year 2 student at the start of year 2 will be working within Level 1 of the curriculum but by the end of the year they would be expected to have achieved Level 1 and moving into Level 2 for Year 3. If we look at the graph above we can see that this Year 1 student has made progress from Term 1 to Term 2 but is below the expected level for Year 1.  Our focus for this student will be supporting her to maintain progress so that in Term 3 and 4 she can reach the end of year expectation of reading at green level.  When looking at the graphs in your child's portfolio it is important to remember that we are only half way through the year and the expected level relates to the end of the year.