OPEN DAY-EVENING - Wednesday 6 July

Margaret Trotter —

We would like to invite all our families to join us next Wednesday to share all the great learning opportunities that are available at Oaklands School.

The day will begin with classes open from 9-11am if you wish to pop it at the beginning of the day to see classes in operation in the hall will be some student performance and information on our Education Brief sharing your ideas for the future for Oaklands School.  In the afternoon from 2-3pm classes will have examples of their learning from their Science topic this term based on the Question:  How can we make a difference to protect a species or habitat?

In the evening our Year 7-8 Intermediate classes will be sharing the programmes that are available for this specialist area.  This evening is a focus for our year 5 and year 6 students and parents but everyone is welcome to view our collaborative learning spaces and find out how we are meeting the needs of students for the future.