Hero photograph
Photo by Alicia Hebbend

End of Term/Ideas for learning over the holidays!

Rachel Pickering —

What a great term this has been! It has been a lot of fun getting to know everyone and setting up classroom routines.

 This final week of term has been very busy (and wet!). Thank you to all the parents who contributed such delicious food to our shared lunch - I think many of us were ready to go into a food coma after eating so much! We also had our celebration of learning assembly. Red Hub shared how we have been collaborating throughout the term, our writing and art. Take a look at the videos/photos below.

We are farewelling Xavier this term, as he moves to a new school. We will miss having his bubbly personality in class and wish him all the best at Ladbrooks.

We hope you all have a fantastic holiday, get outdoors, spend time with family and friends and stay safe.

Ideas for Home Learning

Over the holidays it is very important for your child to have a rest. We have had a very busy, long term. If you feel like your child is ready to do some learning please have a look below at how you can facilitate this at home:

This link has lots of awesome ideas that your child would love to do these holidays (and most of these can be done around home!)Ideas for activities at home


If you go on an adventure to the park, or to feed the ducks, to Willowbank or if you are really lucky visiting another place, get your child to draw a picture plan of what you did and then help them to write a sentence about it. Perhaps they can use their sight words to help them? Children can sound out letters with your assistance and maybe even write some of the little high frequency words by themselves (I, a, to, the).

Fast word video


Get lots of books from the library and read them to your child. Get your child to point out letters or even words they know. Talk about the book and ask questions to see if they are understanding what is happening in the book. See if your child can point out different types of punctuation (“” ? !) as we have been focusing on this in class. Review their sight word or alphabet sheet.

Alphabet https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJIK7JrzV1IhpV2qdYXdm7-bsmkshm1Qr



If you go for a walk look at the numbers on the mailboxes, talk about those numbers. Continue to work on the Maths Home Learning challenge and if you do cooking or baking, talk about measuring 1/2 and 1/4 cups or getting a number of items (2 bananas). Counting forwards and backwards in the car is a great way to practice while you are travelling. We have been learning about making five so get your child to use one hand to practice 2+3=5, 1+4=5.

Count to 20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-FVERzap9E

Fractions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0FZhQ_GkKw

Gardening ideas for maths https://nzmaths.co.nz/maths-our-house-gardening-and-measuring