Hero photograph
Photo by Marie Hanson

Anti-Bullying wrist bands- TAKE A STAND-LEND A HAND

Hannah Hanson —

A couple of weeks ago we launched Oaklands Anti-bullying wrist bands within the school. Here is an update.

In assembly a couple of weeks ago we talked about our student led initiative  against bullying by way of our anti-bullying wristbands and about the idea of us as students taking a stand and lending a hand. By buying, and wearing  an anti-bullying band we are saying that we wont bully ourselves we dont accept bullying, and we will help others in need, and not just go along with bullying or ignore it when if we see it.    

 In the last two weeks we have sold just on 400 bands around the school, which is amazing. Thank you to all those that have got behind the idea and given it your support. 

The aim now is to wear these bands daily as a visual reminder to all of our support.  If you haven't yet bought a band and want to they are now available to purchase from the office for $2. Thanks again for supporting this idea, We are amazed at how many we have sold.  

If you havent yet seen the Video from WhatNow getting behind the idea- you can watch it below.