Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Martin

Oaklands Te Kura o Ōwaka - school production coming soon.....

Caroline Martin —

The Oaklands School production will be held over three nights: Monday 26 June - Wednesday 28 June from 6pm - 8pm. Students are currently working hard on designing costumes and props and learning their songs & dances.

On Wednesday your child will bring home a letter giving more information about the production and how to purchase tickets. The letter will also provide information about what night your child is performing. We have worked really hard to ensure siblings are all performing on the same night but this has been challenging, especially as some siblings have different surnames. If we have made an error and your children have ended up on different nights, please let the school know ASAP so we can correct the error before you purchase tickets. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 12 June. Information about ticket sales will be outlined in the letter on Wednesday. 

Look out for the letter in your child's bag next Wednesday.