Sarah Berquist — Oct 19, 2017

WALT: Write in a persuasive way using appropriate language and structure. 

Topic: The best sports are Hockey and Basketball.

The Best Sports are Hockey and Basketball

Do you want to play Netball? No, why not, because all you do is stand around and you can’t even dribble the ball once it is the laziest game I know.

Okay then how about Soccer? No even worse, why do you think that, because I used to play Soccer but then when I heard that someone died while playing Soccer I thought that I would never play it again.

What about Hockey or Basketball? Sure why not, why do you want to play Hockey or Basketball but not the the other games, because they are my favourite games, why, Basketball because it is so much fun and the other games like soccer are too rough and Netball is a lazy game so it is not fun.

In this persuasive argument I am going to tell you why Basketball and Hockey is much better than any of the other games.

Firstly, in Basketball you have to pass the ball a lot and move around one thing that I do like is how if someone grabs your hand while snatching the ball they get a penalty.

Furthermore, in Basketball you can pass and dribble, I think that is better because you can collaborate with other people a lot more.

Firstly in Hockey you can hit the ball with your Hockey Stick instead of kicking it. You also need to have a lot of strength and power to play Hockey because you need to hit the ball very hard so that it can go far.

One of the rules in Hockey is you can't have your Hockey stick higher than your waist because it could hit someone and it is dangerous just in general.

Without a doubt I think that Hockey and Basketball are the best games because they are not as dangerous and in Basketball you get to move around a lot more, the games are also so much fun. I think that everyone reading this persuasive argument should like Basketball and Hockey because the first time you play the games they are hard and challenging sometimes they are even boring, but the more you play and improve the better it gets. Also, if you improve on your skills and play the game then more people will pass and collaborate with you. Remember you don’t need to be tall to play Basketball, anyone can play Basketball, NOT only the tall people. 

By Dania Banoori