Hero photograph
Photo by Toni Booth

Taiheke Term 2

Toni Booth —

Check out the reflections from our 2022 Leadership students. They have a variety of roles and opportunities throughout the school in which they have shared their experiences. Enjoy.

We are extremely fortunate at Te Kura o Ōwaka to be in a position to provide our senior students with a variety of leadership roles and responsibilities. Below is the term reflection from our leaders (some are missing). 

Ayla - Rimu House captain

This term I have enjoyed the ⅞ integrated learning programme because we got to research either Native plants & their uses, Maori settlements, or European settlers. It was really fun and interesting and we got to present our learning. I have also liked leading the Rimu house assemblies, and having the opportunity to interact with younger students during the buddy reading.

Zach W - Deputy head boy.

This term I have enjoyed being able to write my very own fairy tale in Literacy. I enjoyed this because it was an excellent opportunity to be as creative as I wanted. I have also really enjoyed playing winter sports on Thursdays this term because it has enabled me to work with new people and to collaborate as a team. Having the role of deputy head boy has also been a good experience with being able to help with planning for events around the school like Bully Free Week and Matariki.

Lily - Deputy head girl 

During term 2, writing has been very enjoyable because we got the choice to write our own narrative about a fairy tale and I chose to do it about Goldilocks and the Three Bears but I added a twist to it. Also, winter sports has definitely been one of my highlights for this term because I got into the A netball team and I got to play with some of my friends and develop my skills. Being deputy head girl has been such a good test as to how I can handle the workload as well as the jobs for my role but I think I handled it very well. Overall I have really enjoyed this term.

Max - Head boy

Term 2 has been a rough term for me, with me being away with the flu or some other illness every other week, but I have had some really awesome moments. This year we had an excellent Hockey Team in Winter Sport and we won all our games. I’ve also been really lucky to have the opportunity to run assemblies this year. It has significantly improved my public speaking skills and my confidence levels when talking in front of a group.

I also have enjoyed crafting my narrative.

Isis - Head girl

This term I have really enjoyed Winter sports. My team won many games, but we worked really hard.

One of the things that I’ve done in my leadership role this term. What I’ve enjoyed has been; helping run assemblies. It has made me more confident in speaking in front of a crowd.

Overall I have really enjoyed this term, and I look forward to the things that I’ll get to do in term 3.

Amelia - Sports Captain

I have really enjoyed Winter Sports and Integrated learning. Winter sports because I got to make new friends and because we worked really well in a team. Integrated learning because I got to create an artwork with Honour about Manuka and its uses. I learned new skills on how to draw and had a lot of fun doing it.

I also liked helping Elise run the Miro house assemblies.

Nicole - Cultural Ambassador 

The term for me has been wonderful because there are always challenges that stand in my way. I’ve made a new friend who helped me learn how to be an active listener and a positive role model. I was given an opportunity to lead the cultural areas around our school including Matariki (which has occurred recently) and Samoan Week with my friend Honour. I’ve never been more organized since.

My role as Culture Ambassador means I run cultural events and represent our school. At the beginning of this term (our Deputy Principal) Mrs Hall, gave me the responsibility to put up the NZ flag. Every time it’s a country's National day, I put their flag beside the NZ flag. We're very creative, and friendly and we love adding new ideas to our school environment. It’s an amazing experience that I’ll never forget! Sometimes it can be quite annoying having no time to chat or connect with my friends in the morning or after school.  

Laura - Rata house leader.

This term I have really enjoyed running the house assemblies because I have become more confident in speaking in front of bigger groups & I have also got to know the younger students a little better.

I have also enjoyed helping at the school cross country and organizing different things around the school plus helping with pink shirt week and Matariki week.

Arman N - House point coordinator 

Term 2 had many benefits; I have utterly excited about the fact that Winter sport wasn’t canceled even once by weather. Another fantastic review of this term for me was Cross country: I liked the rivalry between the school, and the athleticism effort from all schools, although there weren't many due to COVID. And the rearmost occurrence that I enjoyed was Student Council. We have promoted a lot of events this term, and hope to do even better next term, in hope of maintaining a better atmosphere at Oaklands Te Kura O Owaka.

Overall this term was excellent in many ways, with Rata winning the house points for this designated week; having Mufti day on Friday this week.

Dom - Digital Leader

This term I have enjoyed many things, just to list a few, I have enjoyed winter sports and cross-country. Winter sport because it was awesome to have an opportunity to play football with new people and friends.

Cross-country because I had a chance to do something new.

This year for my leadership role I have been given the opportunity to help with Mr Reed running the school assemblies. 

Jess - Kōwhai house leader

This term I have loved putting myself out of my comfort zone to present each house assembly for the Kowhai house. I also very much enjoyed learning more about the future of Oaklands and sharing my ideas to help out our learning environment and Student Council.

Louise - Head Librarian 

This term I have enjoyed Integrated Learning and Literacy. Integrated Learning, because we got to research about native plants of New Zealand and I was able to create a piece of artwork.Literacy, because I got to learn about Matariki and the myth behind it. Also, Jesslyn and I were able to create a piece of artwork to explain what each of the stars in the Matariki cluster meant. This term I enjoyed running the Library as part of my leadership role, I also got to help the librarians that didn’t know what to do. Overall this term was an exciting and fun experience!