Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Martin

Dyspraxia Support Group NZ

Caroline Martin —

We are a non-profit organisation providing information, education and support to all people impacted by DCD/dyspraxia.

Our organisation started in 1992 and formed our Fun Groups in 1994. We have three Fun Groups aimed at different ages groups which we run on Saturdays during term time. Funlink 5-10 years, Funtween 10-13 year and Funteen 13 – 18 year of age. The groups participate in a programme put together and delivered by our team of enthusiastic supervisors. If you have a child or teen or know a child or teen with DCD/dyspraxia that would like to come and see if the group is for them pleased contact Sue on 358 3249 or email dyspraxia.centre@xtra.co.nz.