Hero video
20190220 110029
Video by Jenny Walker

Our rebuild

Margaret Trotter —

It is finally happening. This week the fences have gone up to isolate 5 buildings that will be demolished in the next month.

At the end of the year we had to clean out the 5 classrooms that are scheduled to be removed.  Presently we  have a continual stream of contractors who are putting in  new internet access,  power points and  setting up.   We will have access to only half our field during the rebuild.  We are presently reviewing our playground supervision and student access to our grounds.  We will be constantly monitoring this  to ensure our students safety is paramount.

Due to the contractors requiring access to Jarrow Place for trucks etc. this entrance has been modified to one gate.  You will still have full access to the school via Jarrow Place.  We will have a duty teacher at Jarrow Place in the morning and after school to support our students accessing the school.  Please be mindful of car parking and dropping off your child.