Year 7/8 Hail — Nov 16, 2016

A Lot would like to believe that there remains a man consumed by an obsession,

A little child, so innocent brought into a hateful and bitter like adulthood.

Hanging in form before the storm, a hero has been born

At day he's but a normal man, come Dark he becomes one with the Night

His cape flows through the air like kelp waving for help

Tougher than the desperate criminals in the cruel black night.

Red covering the walls from the current brawl

The psycho laugh of a sadistic clown travels in the grey mystic air.

Just as expected Batman beats all bad guys bravely

If you attempt to go against Batman you're instantly a deadman

Unknown yet known by all, Batman strongest man of all

He lives this life of danger to hope there will be light after all .

By Taylor Manu.