Hero photograph
Photo by Sarah Berquist

Year 8 - Wellington Camp

Sarah Berquist —

Dabok - Personally I enjoyed the year 8 Wellington camp. My favourite moments were the Botanical Gardens and after we did Rock Climbing when we were enjoying the view. I found walking the hardest we would at least spend ¼ of the day walking. I would really like to go back to the Botanicals Gardens because the view was really nice and the air seemed fresher. I will never forget Capital E because it's always going to be on YouTube to see.

Noah - I really enjoyed Wellington because I got to learn about Wellington with my friends. One of the top moments of camp was rock climbing because it was challenging and I enjoy trying things that find difficult. I found the role play at Parliament challenging because we had to write our arguments about why headphones should be allowed to be used on roads and footpaths. I was surprised about how delicate the documents were and how expensive they were to move them. I would really like to go on the long walks again because it was really fun and I got to hang out with all of my friends. I will never forget Capital E because it was really fun and now it is on Youtube.

Shivanah - My favourite moment of camp was rock climbing because I have never done it before and I was surprisingly okay at it. The thing I found most challenging was walking all day every day because my legs started to hurt on the third day. I would like to go rock climbing again. Something that I won't forget was the laughs, everyone laughed at least once during camp if not more and personally that was the most fun camp I have ever been to.

Maxim - I really enjoyed the experience in Wellington. My top moment in Wellington was rock climbing because I haven't been proper rock climbing but i've been to Clip n’ Climb. I found walking to Parliament challenging because it was about a 35 min walk back to the backpackers. The thing that surprised me the most was the War Memorial because some of the things that were there, like we got to smell the different types of gases and we got to see the first tank ever made. I would want to do rock climbing again because I found it enjoyable. I will never forget the Capital E experience because our ‘Once Upon a Crime’ movie will be on Youtube for everyone to see.

Franz - Wellington was fun. My favourite part of Wellington would be rock climbing and visiting Parliament. I found Capital E challenging because I did not like acting in front of the camera. Something that surprised me at camp would be Mr Brown using our toilet for like 5 minutes. He was playing a prank on us but we thought it was real. I would like to do more rock climbing because rock climbing was really fun. Something that I will never forget will be Capital E because it was so awkward that nobody can forget it. 

Crystal - Overall I really enjoyed camp at Wellington but my favourite moments were rock climbing and going to Capital E where I was the Location Manager. Sleeping was something I will never forget because our bunk was one of the hardest bunk rooms to control with all the laughter and talking (I barely got any sleep.) Something I found challenging was walking everywhere, especially since I couldn’t get much sleep plus walking around everywhere. I was basically losing energy every day and it was a nightmare! Something that surprised me on camp was the weather because according to others Wellington was supposed to be a windy city, but my experience there the weather was wonderful. I was really surprised about visiting the War Museums, it was interesting how they still have all these equipment/badges/photos from war...Something that I would like to do again would be visiting Wellington again, going to Wellington was really enjoyable!!!

Solani - Overall, I enjoyed staying in Wellington. One of the highlights of my/the time there was visiting the Beehive and Parliament House, The Scale of War in Te Papa and taking photos, at night especially. Some of the things I found challenging at camp was rock climbing because it was hard and there was just too much agony to deal with, and Capital E, it wasn’t too bad but with anxiety, yes, yes it was. Sleeping was also challenging because I had to deal with the other people in the bunk with me who would be constantly talking and giggling every night...but at least I actually got some sleep. Some of the things that surprised me, was probably the amount of things/places I got to take photos of, like the Gallipoli - Scale Of War in Te Papa, it was surprisingly surprising with those realistic looking *fake* humans too. Plus, the city/building were huge and the weather was SO hot but windy. The things that I would want/like to do again is visit the Beehive. The only thing I would never think of forgetting is staying with my friends at Wellington.

Brayden W - I liked Wellington Camp because I liked the rock climbing because I don't do it much. I was surprised how big the Wellington city was. The challenge was sleeping because everyone was talking.

Johanna - I personally enjoyed Capital E because we got to dress up as our characters and it really pushed me out of my comfort zone. The rock climbing was the most challenging out of all because I don’t really like heights that much, but at the end I got all the way to the top. One thing that surprised me the most is the food, I didn’t think the food would be that bad but I definitely didn't enjoy it. I would really like to do rock climbing again because I would love to finish more courses than just one. I will never forget how much fun I had in our bunk room with my friends because we had so much fun staying up at night.

Ashley - My highlight of camp was Capital E because this was different to what we usually do which made it a bit of a challenge. Something I found really difficult/challenging was the rock climbing because I am very scared of heights which didn't help. Something that surprised me was how much Amber liked to talk at night!! Something I would like to explore more would be Te Papa because we didn't really have time to explore the whole place. Something that I will never forget is the nights in the bunk room when three of us wanted to talk and one of us wanted to go to sleep. Overall, camp was heaps of fun and I would definitely want to do it again.

Nick - My top moment on the Wellington trip is how much walking I did because I don’t do much fitness at home, I’m glad I could be outside more. Something I found hard was rock climbing because I’m not the biggest fan of heights and I didn’t trust myself with helping my partner climb. I was surprised by the realistic statue of the men and women that were in The Scale of War section at Te Papa because they all had different features and none of them had the same face. I would like to do more looking at museum to look at the statues and see what the old days looked like. Something I will never forget is the Beehive and the role play. I was the Mace Holder and lead the Speaker in and the reason why I won’t forget it is because I got to kick someone out as role play.

Daniel T - My top moment was rock climbing because it was challenging and fun. The teachers were different on camp by playing pranks on us and being funny. I would like to visit Wellington again in general, but I would do another Capital E video if I got to. I will never forget going in the underground tunnels of Parliament.

Amber - My highlights were Capital E because it was really fun working with everybody. I enjoyed working the camera the most. Another highlight was walking along the waterfront at night because it was really pretty to look at all the lights. I found walking around the War Memorial challenging because I did not find it interesting at all because I am not into that stuff. We could not sit down in there and my legs were saw so that made it worse. I was surprised by rock climbing because I thought it was gonna be like Clip n’ Climb. I think next time I would like to look around the city more. Something that I will never forget running back to the YHA from the waterfront for ice cream that we missed.

Charlotte - My highlight of Camp was Capital E because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and it was a good laugh. I really enjoyed the times when we walked along the waterfront because it was really pretty to look at. The thing I found challenging was understanding all about the Wars. The Beehive surprised me at how big it was. I’ll never forget the fun we had in our bunk room. Overall, Wellington was my favourite camp and I wish it was longer.

Tanika - My highlights for camp were Capital E because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and it was a good laugh. I also liked rock climbing because it was a challenge but it was really fun. Something I found challenging was all of the walking, it wasn’t challenging exactly, but my feet already hurt after the first day. Some things that surprised me were how big everything was and how many stairs there are in Wellington. I will never forget how much fun we had at the YHA and in our bunk rooms. Overall, Wellington was really fun and it was definitely was my favourite camp and I wish it went for longer.

Riley - My favourite part of camp was Capital E because we got to dress up crazy and try not to muck up when we were live. Rock climbing challenged me the most but I pushed myself to get higher and I did. First day of Parliament was boring because we just walked around looking at the rooms, but the second day was interesting and good. The movie night was fun we watched Teen Titans. I’ll never forget how much fun we had in our bunk room being ghosts and getting up to to mischief.

Caitlin - The best part of the camp was doing Once upon a Crime because we got to choose who we could be. The most challenging thing is rock climbing because it was very hard to climb and belaying was very exhausting and hard. The thing that surprised me the most was the Beehive, it was super tall, I always thought was smaller than it was. If I could go back and relive the camp the thing I would do again would be Capital E and what I would never forget is pranking Izzy on Tuesday.

Brianna - One of my highlights of Wellington was definitely Capital E because it was hilarious watching the presenters read out lines that they weren't supposed to read out. I also really enjoyed rock climbing but it was a bit scary when Charlotte dropped Amber. Overall the thing I liked most was hanging out in my bunk room with Charlotte, Riley, Johanna and Dabok. I was also very relieved that we didn't hide our midnight feast of chocolate on top of the heater because it would've starting a fire.

Tr'e - One of my highlights on camp was Capital E because it was funny watching everyone as I only had to do the camera. A challenge on camp was He Tohu because I was not into to it really. Something that surprised me was how much fun it was.

Daniel H - My highlight of the camp was going to Parliament and learning how laws are made and how the government works. I found reading off the Autocue challenging, because I cannot read and it was going pretty fast so I had to read quick and stumbled on my words…. A LOT. I was surprised at how good I am at rock climbing, because of my size. I would like to go back to Te Papa and do the Gallipoli exhibit again. I will never forget Noah doing Spider-Pig in the bunk room when we were all trying to sleep and Tr'e making  jokes and making all of us laugh.

Izzy - My top moment was getting to walk on the waterfront every day and look at the ocean and getting to play on the playground right next to the waterfront. Walking around everywhere was fun. If I could do something again from this trip it would be the War Memorial. If I could go on this camp trip again I would because I had a great time and I will never forget going to Wellington for the first time.

Jak - My top moment was Te Papa learning about the WW1 War and seeing the life size figures and it was pretty cool as well. I found Parliament challenging because you just look at stuff for hours. Something that surprised me on camp was Capital E because it was exactly like a TV set. I would like to do Ferg's Rock Climbing again because it was a fun time and it had some challenging climbs. Something I’ll never forget would be Capital E because it was actually a TV set. 

Kynan - My highlights for camp were rock climbing, Capital E and Te Papa. The reason I enjoyed rock climbing was because I don’t do it that often and I surprised myself with how well I did. I enjoyed Capital E because it was an actual tv set. My role at Capital E was being the director, I liked being able to boss people around telling them what to do. I also enjoyed the war exhibit at Te Papa because the models were so lifelike, if I could go again I would.

Liam - My highlight was Te Papa because we got to see lots of stuff about Gallipoli. That was my favourite exhibit because the models had lots of detail and looked real. I enjoyed going rock climbing because some of the climbs were really challenging. I was happy with how well I did. If I got to go to Wellington again I would want to go back to Te Papa to look around some more. The Wellington camp was the best school camp that I have been on.

Maddy - My highlight of Wellington camp was the Gallipoli Exhibition at Te Papa because I learnt about all the troubled times the soldiers went through. One of the things I found challenging was rock climbing because while I was doing it I found myself having to use my upper body strength a lot and I started shaking half way up the wall. I was surprised at how well I did at rock climbing considering I haven’t done much before. I would like to go back to Parliament again and see Jacinda Ardern because she was in Portugal when we went there.