Margaret Trotter — Feb 9, 2022

We are very aware of keeping as many programmes to continue. However we are consistently reviewing and discussing the impact on everyone's safety

One of the areas of focus is the exposure to our staff and students with the general public during the school day. 

We have decided not to enter the mini ball competition as this is a close contact sport without masks and interacting with students from other schools.

The Halswell Swim day has also been cancelled due to mixing with the general public.

The year 5-6  Quarry trip will be moved to an onsite school programme.

If you have already made payment for the Halswell Swim day ($5)  or The Year 5/6 Quarry Trip ($6) could you please email your bank account details to and a refund will be sorted for you.  Please also include your childs name and year level.

The year 7 camp will be reviewed this week.

Where we can, modifying the programmes will be our priority.

We will be continuing to review our programmes as the term progresses and as we have more information on the situation across the country.