Rebecca Pilbrough - February 15, 2022
Statistical Data - How do we collect it? How do we use it? How do we display it? How do we analyse the data?
All these questions are being answered and worked on.
Here are some examples -
Numbertalks is a way to engage the brain ready for Maths. On Monday, this was the question - The number 805 is made in matchsticks. By moving 2 matchsticks, what is the largest number that can be made?
Let us know what number you come up with.
The focus has been moving up the Punctuation Ladder. It started from simply using capital letters and full-stops and moved to including question marks, exclamation marks and commas.
The students have had samples to work in pairs to correct then, they tested themselves with their knowledge.
We will be eagerly anticipating seeing this knowledge when the students edit their own writing.
We have completed our first research project on The Hawkes Bay/Napier Earthquakes and posted this on Seesaw.
Here are some examples -
Our second Seesaw post was to read a piece from a Journal and then answer specific questions. These posts have been approved with you and your child can share this with you.
The Arts
On Wednesday was our second session with either Music, Drama and Dance. Here is some student voice around this -
Zara says it is really exciting because you get to try new things and role play.
Hunter really enjoys Drama because I love doing drama and acting out.
Isis Music is awesome and I am looking forward to the next session.
Jessica - Drama is 'engagable' and enjoyable because we are learning lots of interesting things.
Evelyne - Music is very interesting because we are learning other music.
Kaitlyn - Music is enjoyable and exciting because we are playing instruments.
Keegan - You get to try new instruments.
Te Reo
During a discussion circle, we worked out that the reason why we don't use more Māori in our everyday language is because a) we might not know it and b) when we are taught it, we forget it!
As a team, we have committed to use simple phrases. Here are a few....you may want to use them at home.
Our timetable for next week
Thanks again to all the students who are stepping up, being great role models and being the best human they can be.