Frances Dench — Nov 23, 2021

This week the year 7/8 hub has been walking to Te Hapua to have swimming lessons led by some fabulous instructors.

While the rest of the school has lessons in the school pool the year 7/8 hub is lucky enough to go to Te Hapua to have our lessons. 

We have enjoyed a quick walk down and despite the dreary weather, the students participation is great and they got in the (warmish) pool! 

They have been tested and grouped into skill level and from there, learn skills for water safety. It is important students are involved in this as NZ is surrounded by water and every parent can breath a little easier knowing their child has the skills to survive should they find themselves in a tricky situation in the water. 

Wednesday is "Pyjama Day" where students practice water safety while wearing clothes. This is helpful should they find themselves in the water with their clothes on. 

Here are some of the students highlights so far... 

Lily W - I have really enjoyed swimming because it is a really fun time swimming with different people and getting to know the swimming teachers. Even though I only swam on Monday I still really enjoyed my day swimming and learning a few new things. And I am excited to do more though out the week.  

Cody -  I have enjoyed swimming with my class at Te Hapua. We learnt how to float in the water like a star fish and back kicking to get back to the shore. It was so much fun and good to have the experience is good to. 

Willow - I have enjoyed learning that I know a lot more about swimming than I thought I knew!

Jess - I like learning about water safety and how t get through a river.

Year 8 camp blog to come on Friday......