We had heaps of fun in Week 2
This week Patere Year 2 have been focussing on 'Light and Dark' as part of our science exploration into Transformation.
Integrated Topic and Writing
We used science experiments as our 'hook' for writing this week. By using hands on experiences, the students have the opportunity to develop their oral language through close observation and conversation with their classmates. The students were encouraged to think like a scientist, and came up with their own hypothesis about what they thought might happen in their experiments.
Two classes explored how light bends in water by placing a coin in the bottom of a bowl, moving the bowl back until we could no longer see the coin and then pouring water into the bowl. Some of us were successful and some of us were unable to see the difference! Try it at home and see what happens! This link will help (from 55 seconds)
The other two classes explored colour and how our eyes perceive our surroundings. They made colour wheels and spun them as quickly as they could. Give it a try at home and see what happens. Check out this link for the instructions.
The students wrote about their science experiments. Ask your child what experiment they wrote about this week.
With the lovely warm weather this week, we loved getting outside for fitness. The students practised jumping and running through a variety of games. We are now getting ready for the Fun Run at the end of Week 3, and are getting out on the field to practise running a longer distance! We need to remember to take it easy at the beginning so we have enough stamina to make it around the outside of the whole field!
Learner Stations
During reading and mathematics, the students see their instructional teachers for explicit teaching based upon their learning needs. When their group is not scheduled to see their instructional teacher, the students have the opportunity to choose their learning by visiting learner stations. This week in reading, the stations were planned to extend our learning around Light and Dark and also to appeal to the students love of all things Lego!
We explored making animal shadows outside (when the sun played along!), and used torches to make shadows inside on the cloudy days. We found out that animals with legs make better shadows!
The students thought about what it would be like if there was no sun. We decided that the sun was a very necessary part of our world!
Students were encouraged to make the best Lego spinner. We learnt how to use the stopwatch on the ipads. Some of our spinners could spin for approximately six seconds!
Students also practised handwriting, enjoyed reading quietly, loved choosing their own topic for free choice writing and created different types of patterns using a variety of maths equipment.
We also helped lead the whole school assembly on Monday, took part in a wheels morning tea on Wednesday and enjoyed a delicious sausage sizzle on Thursday. School weeks are always busy!
Have a lovely weekend with your whanau! See you all on Monday.