Year 7/8 Hail — Nov 16, 2016

The morning light shone through like glass glimmering in your eyes.

The sun rises upon the cotton candy clouds with bubbly seagulls flowing in the breeze. The sky filled with blue air and warm wind carried children happily along the grass. As children ambled excitingly across the fresh green lands, blooming trees were flowing in the wonderful winds of glory.

It's a beautiful day as the sky shone brightly within the limits of a rising mountain. Clouds above forming casually while bright blue birds flew by.

The pretty flowers were a diamond ring on a princess's finger shining clear.

As the sun starts to set and the skies get dark, bright shining stars appeared in the middle of the glowing sky being watched with such happiness. As the day starts to end children were asleep in their warm beds and they will never forget it was a beautiful day.

By Tracy Xu