Hero photograph
Photo by Steve Ladbrook

Frequently Asked Questions

Steve Ladbrook —

Scroll down to find the answers to FAQ.

What is Google Apps (G-Suite) for Education?

This is an online cloud storage and apps service that is used commonly in schools. 

Who owns student's work on Google Drive? Is my child's data protected? What information will Google collect about my child?

  • In short, Oaklands School is responsible for child's data, document and content. 
  • All of the documents, emails and content is encrypted and protected. 
  • With personal Google accounts, Google collects information that is tracked to use for advertising purposes (this is how Google makes money. With your child's account, this does not happen and no ads will appear.

More information with regards to G-Suite for Education can be found here

How will teachers and monitor what my child will be doing on their device?

Oaklands School uses a number of services to monitor student IT usage. Teachers use Hapara Dashboard which enables them to see the tabs and current screens open on any child's device. Linewize monitors all student internet traffic which teachers and the IT managers monitor

How does Oaklands filter out inappropriate content?

Once again we have a three services we use to filter inappropriate material. N4L, which provides our ultra-fast fibre internet,  provides a standard filtering service. On top of this, through Linewize, we are able to tailor this filtering further. In addition, through the Google Admin Console we are able to monitor inappropriate language that is written in any document or email.

I have a laptop/netbook, can my child use this as their BYOD?

While we highly recommend using a Chromebook as your choice for BYOD, you can use other laptops. A point worth noting is that the Oaklands staff are familiar with Chromebooks and your child's teacher may not be able to help your child if there are problems.

If you decide to take up this option and ensure that your child's device is "Oaklands ready", we ask that you undertake these steps:

Following these steps mean that the parent will be the admin person on Google Chrome and that only your child will be able to use the Chrome Browser.

What happens in classrooms to make sure devices are not damaged or stolen?

The devices are locked away during morning tea and lunch as well as when the class is not present. eg Assembly. Teachers also monitor students when they take their device home so that students take home theirs.

What is a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is a laptop which uses internet based apps to run.