by Claire Braithwaite

Congratulations to our Math-Whizz Medal Winners

Claire BraithwaiteDecember 5, 2017

To be presented at the Final CARE Assembly on Monday 11th December at 2pm.

This year during Term 3 and 4 we have been trialling a Math-Whizz online programme in a Year 2 class, then later in Term 3,  in a Year 6 class.  This has been a very successful trial and we are planning to use it next year with the Year 2 - 6 students instead of Mathletics.  

As part of the trial Math-Whizz has awarded four medals for the 'Most Improved Students' across the trial classes.  

These medals have been awarded to:

Gold - Noah Hatchard

Silver - Milayna Gorman

Bronze - Jessie Braithwaite and Grace Brew



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